Sunday, September 28, 2008

it will be a while.....

So we, the girls and I, are moving into a rental house this week. I will take pictures and post later. Dont know when I will get to the internet again but as soon as I do I will be sure to post an update.
The house if cute. My only problem is the kitchen is TINY!!! It has two bedrooms and two bathrooms in the main part of the house and then there is an attached building that has a bedroom and bathroom. Dont know exactly how we are going to work all that out but it will be okay.
I have found myself with a serious need to nest. I dream of arranging furniture, doing laundry, baking homemade cookies.... Go figure! Doubt that it will last long thou. I wonder where that comes from?
Anyway - wish me luck in my move.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


So here’s the deal. When Stacy and I decided I would come back to VA we both agreed that we would not tell anyone and I could just surprise everyone with my wonderful presence. (You can stop laughing now.) Well, you know the best laid plans never work and I ended up missing the party that I planned to “surprise” everyone at. The worst part? I haven’t had a chance to see any of my friends. I really wanted a day to hang out but we have been running and running like there is no tomorrow.
We did manage to tear up some carpet at the house and pack a few more loose-end boxes. We have Stacy out on terminal leave, paperwork submitted to V.A., paperwork for tricare… Basically all the stuff military people normally do every couple of years but we never did in our 17 years together in the Navy because we never transferred. After packing up 17 years worth of “stuff” can’t decide if that is a good thing or not.
I still don’t know when I am leaving. Plans keep changing every day. Initially I was supposed to be gone by this past Tuesday but obviously that didn’t happen.
I just take a deep breath and know that I can’t control everything.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hate it but her we go...

I don't like pictures of myself... to critical I guess. This is one I took and framed for one of the girls.

Waiting on... um....

So I am sitting here waiting for Mom to have Chemo. It truly is a strange thing. First they bring her into a room and ask her the exact same questions they ask last week (I know! They need to know each time!), about what medicines and when she took them (exact time!), appetite, bowel movements, fatigue, swelling, falls, sores, nausea. I can see the … not necessarily embarrassment but invasion of privacy showing on Mom’s face. Then they have to put in an IV. Well not only is Mom’s arm black and blue from the many pokes over the last month but her skin is also very thin from the Chemo. Her veins which were always awesome, now roll and blow at a moment’s notice. Luckily she has a high tolerance for pain and she just keeps talking while they poke and re-poke, never batting an eye. This takes about 40 minutes.
Next, we wait for the blood work (that was drawn went the IV was first put in) to return to make sure she can have Chemo. That takes about 30 – 45 minutes. When she is okay-ed for chemo they send the order in to the onsite pharmacy to mix it. This takes about 1 hour but they are able to do the hydration at the same time so that parts not too bad. The hydration (thru the I.V.) takes an hour as well.
The actual chemotherapy for today only takes 30 minutes. Now last Thursday it was 3 hours but today only 30 minutes.
Amazing what steps are needed to have 30 minutes of chemo.Mom has been very lucky in the fact that she has very little side effects from the chemo. She usually is just tired after the small dose (today). After the long one she has nausea and fatigue for a couple of days but that is it. And, this is the 4th treatment and she still has her hair.
Hair is a good thing.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Still Going....

It seems so surreal to be here in Ohio with Stacy in VA and my girls in TX. The Muñoz Family is spread all over the U.S.

The girls are struggling with it all. If you feel like calling I am sure they would love to hear familiar voices. They don’t talk long and don’t have much to say but it would still mean the world to them. If you are interested text me or call and I will pass along the appropriate number(s).

Mom is doing well. She had a dr. appointment today and we found out that a lot of the struggles she has, have the potential to go away in a week or two.

I am tired. Not getting enough sleep so I am also kinda brain dead. Will blog more later.