Monday, November 3, 2008

As for me....

I am doing okay. It’s harder than I thought it would be. After the summer I had, I got it my head that everything would be okay as soon as I got to Texas. Well, big surprise, it wasn’t. Mom’s still sick, Stacy’s still in VA, money is still a problem, we’re still a in packing mess.
But God is great and is watching over us. The kids are happy – worth it all!!! We were blessed with the house we found, and more so blessed with the community we landed in.
I have made many friends as well. There is one, Lisa, who stays at home and we do a lot together. From breakfast, to just going to grocery store together, to running to Midland. It has helped with my sense of loss. Loss of the known, loss of my gel family at my side, loss of the church that I love so dear… etc…
Now if I could just get Stacy here…. He is on his way it’s just taking way longer than we thought.

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